Apple already has some 900,000 apps in its Apple Store and the number is still growing. They have released a six-page guideline document for developers that acts as a helping tool. However, they still have limited staffing to censor all the apps that reach their iPhone for approval.
There have been hundreds of apps that have to be pulled off because they were scams, violated Apple’s rules of collecting data (data mining), their ad policy (marketing schemes), contained porn, promoted violence and some were mere misses on the staff’s part. There can be many aspects to one’s concern when it comes to apps usage and even Apple can’t make sure completely that they will only have the best on their market though they really try very hard to achieve it.
There have been apps that are total fakes that don’t do as they claim and just copy other major apps. Some of the apps allow free desktop like search on the iPhone that had to be pulled off as it encouraged pornography among tweens and teens. Apple even had to issue an apology for some apps like Baby Shaker after pulling its plug where the player kills a baby by shaking it to death which caused two large red Xs on the baby’s eyes in the highly controversial app.
Then, of course kids have ways around using whatever apps they like to install and use through third-party apps and by getting the admin access to their iPhone. The world of apps and its many dangers don’t end with Apple’s strict app policy. But it can only be done with an iPhone monitoring software that will block, filter and monitor iPhone activities in complete stealth mode to know the real nature of kids and their intentions. One such relevant software in the market is Mobile Spy that provides the safety around iPhone apps usage in children.
Mobile Spy as a silent iPhone monitoring service that runs in the background of the smartphone and lets the child fully do the calling, browsing, playing games, texting and surfing the web without a sign of it in the background. It will record every call information, photo, video, all chats, SMS text, IM, URL, app, social networking logs for Facebook/Twitter, YouTube, emails and even Gmail logs. It also comes with logs for tasks; calendar and parents have the option to remotely uninstall it from the iPhone from any internet connected device. With the live control panel option parents also can get instant GPS logs, can view the live screen and even send commands like initiate a call/SMS or lock the device remotely. The Mobile Spy software is a great service for all parents who wishes to keep track of their kid’s app usage on their iPhone and prevent other violent content from their mobile internet experience.
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