среда, 14 января 2015 г.

How to steal competitors’ secrets with Livescribe Smartpen and iPhone spy

“The secret of business is to know something nobody else knows”

What is it and How does it work?

Have you heard of the newest IT “know-how” in business sphere? Livescribe Inc. introduced a live scribe 3 smarten “the fastest way to make handwritten notes useful on a tablet or smartphone”, that’s what the company claims. Basically all the user has do to is to twist a ring on the pen and write something down on the paper. Their words/graphs/diagrams will appear in the specialised app on iPhone, iPod touch or iPad in the matter of seconds. It is a designed-writing instrument that has won numerous awards:”the look and feel of a quality ballpoint pen combined with the intelligence of a mobile device.”

How to combine Smartpen with iPhone spy from mSpy?

  • Just simply write something down on Livescribe dot paper and you will be able to review everything on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. The information is transferred via Bluetooth technology. It is possible to save the sketches into a jpg file or other format. The app will transfer them to your secure Control Panel where you can reveal the secret hidden behind the chart!
  • The smarten has a built-in microphones. Use it for creating “pen casts” or simply as a bug. The recordings will be transferred via internet to your account where you can hear what was going on at briefing or business meeting!
  • Transform handwriting to text and import it to different apps like calendar, reminders, contacts. All of this is reflected on your Control panel in a split second. Completely remote spying.
  • Add photos and different text material to notes for clarity in notes

Overall it captures everything written with the pen. The business secrets, leaks will be at your finger tips! Completely secure and undetectable with preinstalled iPhone spy app from TopSpy.

The pen will be available in two versions. The price is around $150. You will get the sleek black and chrome pen with a notebook. Also a micro USB charger is within the package.

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